Saturday, April 25, 2009

Week 12 - New Technology

It’s typical for a new technology to be adapted within a culture and used to support existing patterns of behavior. With your own relevant examples, answer these questions.

1) What kind of culture influences through technology can you see from today’s world?
2) Is there a possibility to reshape the (new) culture today via new technology, How?

Critical Reflections

1) From my point of view, most of the culture are influenced through technology that I can see in today's world. For example, our course which is Foundation of Creative Multimedia is heavily influenced by the technology. The subject that we are learning, such as Computer Graphics, requires a computer at least in order to complete our assignment. Besides that, now most of our work are done by using the computer. Even this blog shows that technology influence the culture today. I googled on this topic, and i read an interesting article.

The students’ inspirations may have been great painters like Braque, Dali and Hockney, but their canvas was a computer and their palette Photoshop, version 8.0.

This freshman seminar, “Technology in Art and Cultural Heritage,” is no simple course in digital art. It explores how developments in science, technology and mathematics not only influence artistic styles but also, ultimately, shape our cultural heritage.

It says there that it also shape our cultural heritage. It is clearly shown that technology ultimately influences the culture. By the way, we are looking this matter on the good side. By all means, its up to us on how we use the technology.

2) I think this is a good question to answer. The other day I watched a video that was played in the MLC lecture, and from there we can see that technology clearly can reshape our culture today. In the video, it shows on how technology can reshape the culture. In that video, the student that was studying in that university was given an iPhone for them. With that powerfull tool, it acts as a tool to guide you and as well it was used for education purpose. The students can vote, check their assignments and what nots using their iPhone. I think with that way, we can reshape our culture via technology. I can't find the video that I'm talking about, but those who came for the lecture that Monday should be understand what I'm talking about :) 

Reflection on the Media Culture class

The population who attended for the lecture class was quite good. I think it was because of the assignment that we had to pass up ;) By the way, the thing that catches my eye on that lecture is the videos that Ms Helena showed to us. It is amazing on how technology can really influence you. On the second note,  I'm quite relieved that the holidays are coming near! :D

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Week 11 - Media Imperialism

The documentary entitled "The Power of Nightmares (Part 3 - Shadow in the Cave)" by Adam Curtis was shown in class on Monday. How do you relate the information given to you in the documentary to the theory of Media Imperialism that we talked about in lecture?

Definition of 'Media Imperialism'

Media imperialism is a theory stating that smaller countries are losing their identity due to the force-feeding of media from larger nations. It can be equated to small community shops closing down due to large superstores moving in, taking over and having a monopoly. As the larger media corporations begin to take over, smaller media companies are either being forced out or swallowed up.

Critical Reflections

1) After watching this cool documentary, I found out a lot of things by watching it. It trully is an eye opener to me after watching it. The documentary is about the Neo-Conservative movement in the United States of America and the radical Islamists. The documentary compares the rise between of these movements. It exposes and reveal the truth and secrets that was used to brainwashed smaller countries and smaller community as well in giving out the idea of terrorism. United States of America used 'Media Imperialism' theory by using the media such as the television to potray "terrorism". With this documentary, Adam Curtis revealed the truth of the "lies" that was set up by the United States in order to get people on their side.

2) Starting of the show, the narrarator said that politician promised us to protect from nightmares. But however, we are actually living in the world of fantasy and deception. We do not know what is the truth and what is the lies. With the power of the Media, the politician can create a propaganda just by using any media tool they want. The United States of America did a good job in fabricating those lies and create a new propaganda and idea of 'terrorism'. They brainwash the people with images of Muslim people in robes and weapons in their hands. I hope that more documentary such as The Power of Nightmares will be produced more in the feature for the sake of mankind. Come to think of it, now I can't really trust anything and I have to be more careful in media.

Reflection on Media Culture Class

This week, our dearest Miss Helena showed us the documentary of Power of Nightmares in the lecture hall. At first I thought it was boring, but then again, as I watched closely and paid more attention, it was actually an eye opener movie to me. It gives me new idea and opened up my mind. Thus, it also gives me a better understanding of "Media Imperialism".

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Week 10 : Tetrad of Media

Using McLuhan's "Tetrad of Media", choose a medium or media application or tool (e.g. newspaper, books, radio, tv, film, internet, computer games, handphone, instant messaging, blogging, online advertising, youtube, facebook etc.) and explain its media effects.

Critical Reflection : McLuhan's Theory

1) The media tool or application that I choose is the mobile phone. In my opinion mobile phone is a powerful media tool that was invented in the century. It was the upgraded version of a normal phone. The mobile phone enhances the usage not only by communicating to people, but you can also perform multiple things with the handphone such as MMS, GPRS, and Bluetooth. To me this is a plus point for a media tool. This tool is so powerful, it obsolesces the normal telephone that we use in our daily life. This is because the mobile phone is portable and small, where else the normal telephone is not portable and bulkish.

2) I also think that most of the usage of this telephone retrieves one of the most important usage of a normal telephone, which is to communicate. But the mobile phone is so powerful than the normal phone, it can send messages and do video call to anyone around the world in the blink of an eye. I think this is very reliable to a lot people around the world. However, if we are obsessed with this media tool, it can effect our lives throughout the process. If we are obsessed with this tool, people will spend a huge amount of money to get a better and cooler phone, which is very wasteful in my opinion.

Personal Reflection on the Class

In this week, we learnt the explanation of the topic "The Extensions of Man"in class. Our lecturer gave a grasp about the McLuhan's Theory which I find very amusing. Besides that, we also learnt the rendition of the Hot and Cold media together with the Tetrad of Media as well. This topic is kinda fun and complicated as well. I think I read about the Hot and Cold Media topic before in the internet.

Friday, April 3, 2009

Week 9 :Obscenity, Pornography and Indecency

Blog Assignment: Topic 5 :

Obscenity, pornography and indecency: What are the differences between these terms?

Definitions of Obscenity, Pornography and Indecency on the Web :

Obscenity is a term that is most often used in a legal context to describe expressions (words, images, actions) that offend the prevalent sexual morality of the time.

Pornography or porn is the explicit depiction of sexual subject matter with the sole intention of sexually exciting the viewer. It is to a certain extent similar to erotica, which is the use of sexually arousing imagery.

Indecency is the state or quality of being indecent; lack of modesty, taste, or propriety

Critical Reflections on Obscenity, Pornography and Indecency

1) Obscenity, pornography and indecency are three different words but they are linked together from my opinion. Pornography is defined as production that consist of video or pictures that are fully intended to stimulate sexual arousal to the viewer illegally, while obscenity is to describe expressions from the picture for example that offend the prevalent sexually morality of the time according to wikipedia. Indecency in the other hand is the state or quality of being indecent according to

2) Nowadays media are the tools to spread out this 3 different things, especially pornography. For example, Internet are popular with the word "pornography" as it is every easy to search for it in the internet. I do agree that it can spoil a child's mind with pornography. Movies are also one of the tools to spread obscenity, pornography and indecency. In some countries, porn are legal. It is still a debatable topic to make it legal or illegal. But in my opinion all I can see are bad effects, so there's no point making it legal except of getting pleasure.

Reflection on the Media Culture class

This week we didn't learn anything for our subject Media Culture, but we had a good briefing on our second assignment on discussing the human needs that the Media help satisfy in term of the News and Entertainment.

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Week 7 : Media Literacy

What is Media Literacy and why is it important for you as FCM students to have it?

Definitions of Media literacy on the Web:

a) Media literacy is the process of accessing, analyzing, evaluating and creating messages in a wide variety of media modes, genres and forms. ...

b) The process of understanding and using the mass media in an assertive and non-passive way. This includes an informed and critical understanding of the nature of the media, the techniques used by them and the impact of these techniques.

c) the ability to access, analyze, evaluate, and produce communication and information in a variety of forms and means.

Critical Reflections on Media Literacy.

1) After I checked Media Literacy's meaning on Wikipedia, Media Literacy is the process of accessing, analyzing, evaluating and creating messages in a wide variety of media modes, genres and forms stated inside the wikipedia website. Based on the question, the reason why Media Literacy is so important for us FCM students to have it is because that with this knowledge, I will able to produce better Media with the knowledge. With this knowledge, we will be able to detect propaganda, bias, and censorship easily as well. Media Literacy is important to us FCM student is because it will teach us how to evaluate media properly.

2) Media Literacy also enables people to be skillful creators and producers. The people will understand better the strength and weakness of a certain medium. This will enhance the work that we are trying to make. I think without the Media Literacy knowledge, we won't be able to be good in our field of work. People will not be able to understand better if they are clueless about Media Literacy. I see Media Literacy as a great tool for us FCM students, because it provides a lot of benefits for us to produce more good artworks.

Reflection on Media Culture Class.

This week class, we learnt about Media Culture in the classroom. In my opinion, Cultural Stereotype is the information that I find the most interesting rather than Media Representation. As for me I think the topic 'Media Representation' is boring and the words are too technical and complicated for me. Cultural Stereotype can be good or be bad, and most stereotypes are the bad ones, and we humans mostly like bad or negative stuffs without no doubt. Other than that, Cultural Stereotype really influece us a lot with the media around us such as the movie and the newspaper. I tend to like Cultural Stereotype rather than Media Representation.

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Week 6 : Media Sterotype

Blog Assignment: TOPIC 3

Give a very short basic explanation of what media stereotype is? (Keep it short please!) From your personal experience, what other media stereotype (besides the example from the article) you have seen either on TV or in the movies?

Critical Reflection on Media Stereotype.

1)Stereotype according to Wikipedia is, A stereotype is a preconceived idea that attributes certain characteristics (in general) to all the members of class or set. Media stereotype is widely used with negative connotation when it is referring to a particular individual that has a characteristic.

2)In my personal experience, other media stereotype that I've seen on TV or movies are such as the "emo stereotype". The "emo" that i'm talking about here is the "emo" sub fashion culture in this world. Most music television channels display the emo stereotype such as, cutting their ownself. In my opinion, this is very stereotypical in my sense.

Personal Reflection On the Class

This week I had no class since it was a public holiday. On that day, I was in Sabah, and I don't think its necessary for me to explain everything inside here :P Thanks

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Week 5 - Media Effects

Blog Assignment: TOPIC 2

"Here is a comic strip entitled "Rumors, lies and innuendo spread far, wide, and fast on the Internet." taken from "Introduction to Mass Communication: Media Literacy and Culture" by Stanley Baran, pg 324."

Do you often take what is on the Internet as truth without thinking much about it? If yes, why? If no, why? Discuss this in your own words.

Critical Reflection on Media Effects.

1) Based on the question, I often think that the news in the Internet are the truth, on most web trustful website such as CNN, BBC, Yahoo, GoogleNews, The Star, and Utusan Online. Most of the websites that I told above are most likely can be trusted in my point of view. They are professionals on what they do which is to deliver correct and reliable news. As you know, Internet is a powerful tool in our era. It can be used to deliver news as well. Most blogs are also used to spread news, but I don't fully believe in them. Other examples are also like chain E-mails. I don't believe at them at all. Most of them are fake and not true, based on my past experience. To be honest, I myself hardly touch the newspaper. I find it easier if I just surf the net, and "Google" the news that I want to know, or maybe just go to the website that I mentioned above such as CNN.

2) If I'm doubtful with the news that I read in the Internet, I myself will find and gather more information from other media, most probably it's gonna be the newspaper. I will also ask my parents or maybe my lectures on the topic. We humans are given brain by the Almighty God, and we have to use it well. Don't be blindly fooled by a computer, just because it says so. Most people are filled with jealousy and hatred beyond your imagination. They'll do anything that is possible for them in order to fool you. I am speaking on my side. Yes, I agree internet is a good source of information, but be wise on using the Internet, that is because there is no limit on using the Internet and anybody in the E-world can fool you.

Personal Reflection On the Media Culture Class

This week have been a "noisy" week I suppose. The class was quite noisy, while Mr. Radzi Bedu was lecturing on the topic, Media Effects. What interest me the most in this week lecture is the "Powerful Effects Theory". The name itself really tells you that it is a very "powerful" thing. Based on lecture's slide show, "Early scholar of Media believed that the media had a profound, direct effect on people". It is true that most media can manipulate and give direct effect on people. This theory can be used for good purpose such as to send information, ideas and propaganda. It can also be used for bad purpose as well in my opinion. I strongly believe in this effect other than the "Minimalist Effect Theory", "Cumulative Theory", and "Uses and Gratification Studies". After the class ended, we had to pass up our short summary on "Transition to a Modern Social Psychology of Communication" which was given on last week lecture.

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Topic One : Social Media

Discuss how this new phenomenon is affecting your life and the lives around you.

Each student must post at least 2 critical reflection on topic given (4%), 1 personal reflection on the media culture class (1%), over a period of 5 days to 7 days *please refer to CHECKLIST FOR ASSESSMENT at Blog Assignment Brief for more details.

Critical Reflection on Social Media

1)The video clip above is regarding Social Media, as seen in the title above. I am gonna discuss how this phenomenon is affecting my life and the lives around me. As you can see, social networking is also considered as a social media. Popular social networking tools such as Facebook, Friendster and Myspace are widely known and used by the public. This social networking tool have alot usage such as communicating with your peers, posting personal pictures for your friends to see, joining certain groups for people to discuss on their liking and many more examples. The society or the people can also use facebook as a diary for people to see by blogging or maybe use it for your job by putting your job resumes and communicate with your clients. For me myself, I use this social network tools to keep in touch with my peers in the overseas. With this useful tool, I can always keep in touch with them without worrying on loosing them. I think social network tools are under "Infotainment" genre because it also give news on the world itself and providing entertainment to the users.

2) Blogging is also considered a useful social media tools in our life. Blogging has gain its popularity since the Millenium Era. It has been used by the society in a alot of ways such as using it to post story on their lives, use it to sell things such as clothes and for politics as well. These days there a lot of blogging platform for the society to do their needs with blogging such as, wordpress, and livejournal. According to wikipedia, a blog is a website, usually maintained by an individual with regular entries of commentary, descriptions of events, or other material such as graphics or video. As I told you before, blogging can be associated with the word 'social media'. The video that I watched even mentioned the word 'blog'.

Reflection on Media Culture Class

Week 4 had an interesting topic which was "Media Society". Social media can be used for a lot of different purpose in our life such as blogging, social networking and podcasting. Social media can be used for good and bad purpose. It can be used to manipulate people's mind for good and bad purpose.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009


First post, introduction.

Welcome :)