Sunday, April 19, 2009

Week 11 - Media Imperialism

The documentary entitled "The Power of Nightmares (Part 3 - Shadow in the Cave)" by Adam Curtis was shown in class on Monday. How do you relate the information given to you in the documentary to the theory of Media Imperialism that we talked about in lecture?

Definition of 'Media Imperialism'

Media imperialism is a theory stating that smaller countries are losing their identity due to the force-feeding of media from larger nations. It can be equated to small community shops closing down due to large superstores moving in, taking over and having a monopoly. As the larger media corporations begin to take over, smaller media companies are either being forced out or swallowed up.

Critical Reflections

1) After watching this cool documentary, I found out a lot of things by watching it. It trully is an eye opener to me after watching it. The documentary is about the Neo-Conservative movement in the United States of America and the radical Islamists. The documentary compares the rise between of these movements. It exposes and reveal the truth and secrets that was used to brainwashed smaller countries and smaller community as well in giving out the idea of terrorism. United States of America used 'Media Imperialism' theory by using the media such as the television to potray "terrorism". With this documentary, Adam Curtis revealed the truth of the "lies" that was set up by the United States in order to get people on their side.

2) Starting of the show, the narrarator said that politician promised us to protect from nightmares. But however, we are actually living in the world of fantasy and deception. We do not know what is the truth and what is the lies. With the power of the Media, the politician can create a propaganda just by using any media tool they want. The United States of America did a good job in fabricating those lies and create a new propaganda and idea of 'terrorism'. They brainwash the people with images of Muslim people in robes and weapons in their hands. I hope that more documentary such as The Power of Nightmares will be produced more in the feature for the sake of mankind. Come to think of it, now I can't really trust anything and I have to be more careful in media.

Reflection on Media Culture Class

This week, our dearest Miss Helena showed us the documentary of Power of Nightmares in the lecture hall. At first I thought it was boring, but then again, as I watched closely and paid more attention, it was actually an eye opener movie to me. It gives me new idea and opened up my mind. Thus, it also gives me a better understanding of "Media Imperialism".

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