Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Topic One : Social Media

Discuss how this new phenomenon is affecting your life and the lives around you.

Each student must post at least 2 critical reflection on topic given (4%), 1 personal reflection on the media culture class (1%), over a period of 5 days to 7 days *please refer to CHECKLIST FOR ASSESSMENT at Blog Assignment Brief for more details.

Critical Reflection on Social Media

1)The video clip above is regarding Social Media, as seen in the title above. I am gonna discuss how this phenomenon is affecting my life and the lives around me. As you can see, social networking is also considered as a social media. Popular social networking tools such as Facebook, Friendster and Myspace are widely known and used by the public. This social networking tool have alot usage such as communicating with your peers, posting personal pictures for your friends to see, joining certain groups for people to discuss on their liking and many more examples. The society or the people can also use facebook as a diary for people to see by blogging or maybe use it for your job by putting your job resumes and communicate with your clients. For me myself, I use this social network tools to keep in touch with my peers in the overseas. With this useful tool, I can always keep in touch with them without worrying on loosing them. I think social network tools are under "Infotainment" genre because it also give news on the world itself and providing entertainment to the users.

2) Blogging is also considered a useful social media tools in our life. Blogging has gain its popularity since the Millenium Era. It has been used by the society in a alot of ways such as using it to post story on their lives, use it to sell things such as clothes and for politics as well. These days there a lot of blogging platform for the society to do their needs with blogging such as blogger.com, wordpress, and livejournal. According to wikipedia, a blog is a website, usually maintained by an individual with regular entries of commentary, descriptions of events, or other material such as graphics or video. As I told you before, blogging can be associated with the word 'social media'. The video that I watched even mentioned the word 'blog'.

Reflection on Media Culture Class

Week 4 had an interesting topic which was "Media Society". Social media can be used for a lot of different purpose in our life such as blogging, social networking and podcasting. Social media can be used for good and bad purpose. It can be used to manipulate people's mind for good and bad purpose.

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