Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Week 7 : Media Literacy

What is Media Literacy and why is it important for you as FCM students to have it?

Definitions of Media literacy on the Web:

a) Media literacy is the process of accessing, analyzing, evaluating and creating messages in a wide variety of media modes, genres and forms. ...

b) The process of understanding and using the mass media in an assertive and non-passive way. This includes an informed and critical understanding of the nature of the media, the techniques used by them and the impact of these techniques.

c) the ability to access, analyze, evaluate, and produce communication and information in a variety of forms and means.

Critical Reflections on Media Literacy.

1) After I checked Media Literacy's meaning on Wikipedia, Media Literacy is the process of accessing, analyzing, evaluating and creating messages in a wide variety of media modes, genres and forms stated inside the wikipedia website. Based on the question, the reason why Media Literacy is so important for us FCM students to have it is because that with this knowledge, I will able to produce better Media with the knowledge. With this knowledge, we will be able to detect propaganda, bias, and censorship easily as well. Media Literacy is important to us FCM student is because it will teach us how to evaluate media properly.

2) Media Literacy also enables people to be skillful creators and producers. The people will understand better the strength and weakness of a certain medium. This will enhance the work that we are trying to make. I think without the Media Literacy knowledge, we won't be able to be good in our field of work. People will not be able to understand better if they are clueless about Media Literacy. I see Media Literacy as a great tool for us FCM students, because it provides a lot of benefits for us to produce more good artworks.

Reflection on Media Culture Class.

This week class, we learnt about Media Culture in the classroom. In my opinion, Cultural Stereotype is the information that I find the most interesting rather than Media Representation. As for me I think the topic 'Media Representation' is boring and the words are too technical and complicated for me. Cultural Stereotype can be good or be bad, and most stereotypes are the bad ones, and we humans mostly like bad or negative stuffs without no doubt. Other than that, Cultural Stereotype really influece us a lot with the media around us such as the movie and the newspaper. I tend to like Cultural Stereotype rather than Media Representation.

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Week 6 : Media Sterotype

Blog Assignment: TOPIC 3

Give a very short basic explanation of what media stereotype is? (Keep it short please!) From your personal experience, what other media stereotype (besides the example from the article) you have seen either on TV or in the movies?

Critical Reflection on Media Stereotype.

1)Stereotype according to Wikipedia is, A stereotype is a preconceived idea that attributes certain characteristics (in general) to all the members of class or set. Media stereotype is widely used with negative connotation when it is referring to a particular individual that has a characteristic.

2)In my personal experience, other media stereotype that I've seen on TV or movies are such as the "emo stereotype". The "emo" that i'm talking about here is the "emo" sub fashion culture in this world. Most music television channels display the emo stereotype such as, cutting their ownself. In my opinion, this is very stereotypical in my sense.

Personal Reflection On the Class

This week I had no class since it was a public holiday. On that day, I was in Sabah, and I don't think its necessary for me to explain everything inside here :P Thanks

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Week 5 - Media Effects

Blog Assignment: TOPIC 2

"Here is a comic strip entitled "Rumors, lies and innuendo spread far, wide, and fast on the Internet." taken from "Introduction to Mass Communication: Media Literacy and Culture" by Stanley Baran, pg 324."

Do you often take what is on the Internet as truth without thinking much about it? If yes, why? If no, why? Discuss this in your own words.

Critical Reflection on Media Effects.

1) Based on the question, I often think that the news in the Internet are the truth, on most web trustful website such as CNN, BBC, Yahoo, GoogleNews, The Star, and Utusan Online. Most of the websites that I told above are most likely can be trusted in my point of view. They are professionals on what they do which is to deliver correct and reliable news. As you know, Internet is a powerful tool in our era. It can be used to deliver news as well. Most blogs are also used to spread news, but I don't fully believe in them. Other examples are also like chain E-mails. I don't believe at them at all. Most of them are fake and not true, based on my past experience. To be honest, I myself hardly touch the newspaper. I find it easier if I just surf the net, and "Google" the news that I want to know, or maybe just go to the website that I mentioned above such as CNN.

2) If I'm doubtful with the news that I read in the Internet, I myself will find and gather more information from other media, most probably it's gonna be the newspaper. I will also ask my parents or maybe my lectures on the topic. We humans are given brain by the Almighty God, and we have to use it well. Don't be blindly fooled by a computer, just because it says so. Most people are filled with jealousy and hatred beyond your imagination. They'll do anything that is possible for them in order to fool you. I am speaking on my side. Yes, I agree internet is a good source of information, but be wise on using the Internet, that is because there is no limit on using the Internet and anybody in the E-world can fool you.

Personal Reflection On the Media Culture Class

This week have been a "noisy" week I suppose. The class was quite noisy, while Mr. Radzi Bedu was lecturing on the topic, Media Effects. What interest me the most in this week lecture is the "Powerful Effects Theory". The name itself really tells you that it is a very "powerful" thing. Based on lecture's slide show, "Early scholar of Media believed that the media had a profound, direct effect on people". It is true that most media can manipulate and give direct effect on people. This theory can be used for good purpose such as to send information, ideas and propaganda. It can also be used for bad purpose as well in my opinion. I strongly believe in this effect other than the "Minimalist Effect Theory", "Cumulative Theory", and "Uses and Gratification Studies". After the class ended, we had to pass up our short summary on "Transition to a Modern Social Psychology of Communication" which was given on last week lecture.